GRMARFOR’s HQ Coat of Arms, is composed of four separate symbols. Firstly, it depicts a trident and a spear on its upper left side, symbolizing the naval and combat power. On the upper right side, a NATO emblem can be seen, which indicates the designated role, and objectives of the Headquarters. Furthermore, on the lower part of the Coat of Arms, a trireme with an open sail is depicted, as a symbol of the Hellenic Fleet. Lastly, at the center of the emblem an anchor is shown, which represents the unit’s connection to the Hellenic Navy.


GRMARFOR HQ, is a Multinational Military Navy Organization.  The establishment of Greek Maritime Force Command Headquarters (GRMARFOR HQ) was nationally approved in December 2022.

The Greek Maritime Force Headquarters (GRMARFOR HQ) is a High Readiness Maritime Force HQ, at the Tactical Level, which is designed to be offered to the NATO Force Structure (NFS).

High Readiness Forces (HRFs) are a limited, but military significant portion of land, air and maritime forces offered by nations under their own conditions, capable of initial deployment for Article 5 or NA5CRO and are able to react as rapidly as necessary to a wide range of eventualities, including a short notice armed attack on any Ally. HRFs must include HQs, C2 elements and Units to provide a prompt military response.

Regarding NATO Ops and the allocation of GRMARFOR HQ to NFS, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will be signed, between the Hellenic National Defence General Staff (HNDGS) and the Supreme Headquarters Allied Power Europe (SHAPE), that will define the legal status, use, function as well as any additional arrangements, concerning administrative procedures, stationing, funding, manpower and support of the GRMARFOR HQ.


GRMARFOR HQ’s mission is: “To provide a permanent multinational, high readiness, deployable HQ assuming the duties as a Tactical Commander of the assigned forces for ΝΑΤΟ operations, up to the scale of SJO (-), with a 360ο approach, complying with NRF commitments.”


The GRMARFOR HQ operates without a particular geographical affiliation, in support of the Alliance’s three Core Tasks and in accordance with SACEUR’s priorities, taking advantage of regional expertise.

For the purpose of fulfilling its mission,  GRMARFOR HQ:

(1) In Peacetime – Baseline Activities and Current Operations (BACO) – MCC Stand-By Year, will:

    (a) Serve SACEUR’s guidelines on Deterrence and Defense.

    (b) Assume the role of Maritime Component Command (MCC) in the long Term Commitment Plan (LTCP).

    (c) Support NATO’s Projecting Stability and Defense and Security related Capacity Building (DCB) activities with key-partners.

    (d) Conduct Maritime Situational Awareness activities, in the context of national or allied assignments.

    (e) Participate in allied exercises/operations and training activities with allies.

(2) In Crisis – Conflict – MCC Activation, will:

    (a) Conduct Naval Operations up to the scale of SJO (-) assuming command of forces assigned by Allies and/or partners, in accordance with respective SACEUR’s / JFC’s OPLAN. Such naval operations include, but are not limited to:

I. Peace Support Operations.

II. Embargo Operations.

III. Disaster Relief Operations.

IV. Protection of Critical Infrastructure.

V. Maritime Interdiction and Security Operations.

    (b) Deploy and sustain maritime presence in areas of interest as appropriate.

(3) In Crisis – Conflict – Not Acting as HRF(M) Stand-By HQ, will support the operations and tasks being assigned by National Operational Authorities, in accordance with the respective SACEUR’s / JFC’s OPLAN.

Organizational Structure

Commandant (COM)

The Commandant of GRMARFOR HQ is the head of all staff belonging to the unit. All of the responsibilities, the decision-making and the final saying pass through the Commandant, thus giving him a Head Principal position.

Deputy Commander (DCOM)

The Deputy Commander reports directly to the Commandant and assists him in carrying out his duties, including overseeing the unit’s efficient administrative functioning. He uses his authority and powers—which come from his position, rank, and status—to command, coordinate, and oversee the activities of the staff in order to achieve this

Chief of Staff (COS) / Deputy Chief of Staff (DCOS)

The Chief of Staff directs, coordinates, and oversees the workings of the unit, while simultaneously gathering and preparing the necessary evidence with the purpose of assisting the Commandant in the decision-making process and achieving his overall mission.

Directors of Divisions

The Directors of the other divisions such as the Director of Staff, the Director of Information, the Director of Analysis and Statistics and many others, all play a crucial role towards the proper functionality of GRMARFOR HQ by providing their appropriate services and by fulfilling their obligations and responsibilities, putting to use their specialization and expertise.
