Chief Of HNGS Visits HN’S Helicopter Base

On Thursday the 14th of July 2022, the Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff, Vice Admiral Stylianos Petrakis HN, accompanied by the appointed officers of the HNGS, visited the base of the HN helicopters in the Navy Fort of Kotroni Marathona, where he was received by the Chief of the Hellenic Navy Fleet, Vice Admiral Panagiotis Liberis HN.

During his visit, the chief of HNGS was briefed by the Commander of the Navy Airforce, Captain A. Foskas HN regarding the ongoing proceedings and activities of the helicopter base, he inspected the progress of the construction regarding the infrastructure that will accommodate the new MH-60R helicopters. Lastly, a briefing regarding the final testing of acceptance of the new A-900 UAVs took place.

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