
The crest of HS ADRIAS symbolizes the traditional ties between the ships that bore the name "ADRIAS" in the past. In the center of the badge, are presented the capabilities of the first Ship, while the second and fourth quadrants peripherally symbolize the potential of the new Ship. The three double axes in the third quadrant symbolize the crews, while in the first, the three tridents symbolize the three ships of the same name. The motto of the ship is “Freedom stems from valour”, by Thucydides.

Technical Characteristics


130.5/14.6/6.2 m


3.630 tons


185 people


32 knots

Vessel Propulsion

2 RR Olympus 56.800 HR, 2 RR Tyne 10

Ship Weaponary

1 x 76.2mm OTO MELARA Gun. 1 x 76.2mm OTO MELARA Gun. 2 x Twin MK 32 MOD 9 torpedo launchers. 1 x CIWS PHALLANX. Capability of transporting two Augusta Bell AB-212 ASW helicopters or one Shikorsky Aegean Hawk S-70B helicopter.


  1. HS ADRIAS (F-459) is the fourth STANDARD type (Kortenaer – Class) Frigate of the Hellenic Navy. It was built in the Netherlands by the ROYAL SCHELDE company and the contract for the sale of the ship to the Navy, along with Frigates “AIGAION” and “NAVARINON”, was signed in Athens in 1992 and the Greek Flag was raised on the ship on March 30, 1994 in DEN HELDER, Netherlands.
  2. The name “ADRIAS” was given to the fourth “Standard” Class Frigate of the Hellenic Navy in memory of the World War II mine-hit Type – III Hunt Class Destroyer “ADRIAS” (L-67). FFGH ADRIAS is the third consecutive ship of the Navy which bears the name “ADRIAS”. Before being commissioned to the Hellenic Navy, the ship served in the Royal Netherlands Navy as HNLMS CALLENBURG (F-808).
  3. “ADRIAS” was the ancient name of the Adriatic Sea. The origins of its name come from the city Hadria, which was founded at the mouth of the Po river by King Hadria, son of Messapian Pausson and father of Illyrian Ionius.
  4. The first Ship with the name “ADRIAS” was the former British HUNT-ΙΙΙ Destroyer (L-67), which was transferred from the British Royal Navy to the Hellenic Navy on July 20, 1942. It took part in World War Two and was hit by a mine in 1943 during military operations in the Dodecanese region. It lost its bow but still managed to sail to Alexandria after the heroic actions of the crew, which caused the admiration of the Allied Powers and raised the morale of the crews of the Hellenic Ships.
  5. The second Ship with the name “ADRIAS”, a former British Type-II HUNT Destroyer was delivered by the British Navy, in replacement of the first Destroyer, in Elliniko on February 9, 1945.


Φ/Γ ΑΔΡΙΑΣ (F 459)
Φ/Γ ΑΔΡΙΑΣ (F 459)
Φ/Γ ΑΔΡΙΑΣ (F 459)

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