
Commander Standing NATO Maritime Group 2, pays an official visit to HNGS HQ’S

On Friday 15th July Commander Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2), Rear Admiral Kay-Achim Schönbach met with the HNGS Chief, Vice Admiral Georgios Giakoumakis...

The Chief of the Romanian Navy, Rear Admiral Alexandru Mirsu, pays an official visit to Greece

From Tuesday July the 5th to Thursday July the 7th, the Chief of the Romanian Navy, Rear Admiral Alexandru Mirsu paid an official visit...


The participation of the Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service (HNHS) at the International Shipping Exhibition “POSIDONIA” for fourth consecutive time is an outstanding communication event...

Commander, 6th Fleet of the United States Navy, Official Call to Greece

The Commander 6th Fleet of the US NAVY, Vice Admiral James Foggo III USN, paid an official call to Greece from Monday 22 to...

Training of Qatar Emiri Navy Officers

"On Friday, the 11th of December 2015, the first school on «CBRN Warning and Reporting System Course» for non-Greek Officers was successfully completed in...
