
Official Visit of the HNGS Chief to Bulgaria

From Monday October the 10th to Thursday October the 13th, the HNGS Chief, Vice Admiral Georgios Giakoumakis HN paid an official visit to Bulgaria,...

Meeting of the HNGS Chief with the Head of Operations of the Israeli Navy

On Wednesday, September 14, 2016 the HNGS Chief, Vice Admiral Georgios Giakoumakis HN met with the Head of Operations of the Israeli Navy, Rear...

Wreath Ceremony in Honour of two Greek Sailors Who Fought in Argentina´s War of Independence

In September 7 2016, a wreath ceremony in honour of two Greek-born sailors Samuel Spiro and Nicolas Kolmaniatis, took place at the monument of Nicolas Kolmaniatis, which is erected...

Avenches Tattoo Switzerland 1-3 September 2016

