
HN Provides a “Train the Trainers” Course to Albanian and UAE Officers

From Monday 29th of August till Friday 9th of September, a “Train the Trainers” course was conducted by the Training and Operational Evaluation Branch of the...

2nd Round of Talks between the Hellenic Navy and the Bulgarian Navy

From Tuesday 13 to Thursday 15 September 2022, the 2nd Round of Talks between the Hellenic Navy and the Bulgarian Navy was held at...

10th Round of Navy to Navy Staff Talks between the Hellenic Navy and the Romanian Navy

From Tuesday the 12th to Thursday the 14th of July 2022, in Bucharest, took place the 10th Round of Talks between the Hellenic Navy...

Chief Of HNGS Visits HN’S Helicopter Base

On Thursday the 14th of July 2022, the Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff, Vice Admiral Stylianos Petrakis HN, accompanied by the appointed...

Oath-taking Ceremony of the Hellenic Navy Ensigns of Class 2022

The oath taking ceremony of the new HN Ensigns of Class 2022 was held at the Hellenic Naval Academy, on Tuesday, June 28, 2022....
