HS ORMI (Ρ 230)


The crest depicts the dynamic figure of gunboat HS ORMI on board at maximum speed. The Greek flag waving proudly in the background, symbol of the mission to project its colors throughout the whole Aegean and where else asked as well as the defense of its natural space, that of our territorial waters. The cross symbolizes our faith in religion and St. Nicholas is always on its bow. The sword symbolizes sovereignty over the sea.

Technical Characteristics


50,13/7,3/2,8 m.


265 tons.


32 pepople


21,5 knots.


2 RR Olympus 56.800 HR, 2 RR Tyne 10


Machine Gun BOFFORS 40MML-70 BREDA 2 BROWNING 0.50 in (12.7 mm) K/B STINGER


The gunboat HS ORMI with side number P-230 is the second ASHEVILLE-class ship to be commissioned into Hellenic Navy by United States Navy. She was commissioned into USN on November 22, 1969 as USS BEACON with side number PG-99 and was one of the seventeen used by USN. Their design and construction was oriented towards achieving the lowest possible weight and high speed, so the vessel is made of aluminum and the superstructure is made of polyester and aluminum frame, achieving a total displacement of about 230 TN, while the gas turbine GENERAL ELECTRIC LM-1500 that it initially carried offered the possibility of achieving a maximum speed of 40 kts. Until 1977, the ship belonged to the amphibious forces of the United States Atlantic Fleet in the unit ‘River Squadron Two’. On April 22, 1977, she was decommissioned and remained in this state until her transfer to the Hellenic Navy in October 1989. The ship was transported to Greece aboard the Dutch floating vessel ‘SUPER SERVANT’ on November 22, 1989. The Greek flag was raised on February 21, 1990 at SYNCRO LIFT/ Salamis Naval Base where she was given the name HS ORMIS and the side number P 230.

From March 23, 1990 to April 30, 1991, activation and modernization works were carried out in the Salamis Naval Base, in which the gas turbine was removed due to the impossibility of repairing it by Hellenic Navy.

In 1996 the older engines were replaced with two new type MTU 12V 396 TE 94 power 2216 HP each.

In 2003 the front 3’/50 Automatic Gun and the support equipment were replaced by BOFORS 40mm OB, a second BOFORS 40mm Automatic Gun was installed and the director was replaced with a new OGR 7 type from which control of both BOFORS Automatic Guns can be acquired optionally or simultaneously.

In 2005 the bow 40mm BOFORS Automatic Gun was replaced with BOFORS 40mm BREDA Automatic Gun.

Since her activation until today, she has undertaken a series of missions, mainly in the islands of Eastern Aegean and has participated in many drills of the Fleet small, medium and large scale.In addition to operational duties, she has also participated in ceremonial events as well as other social missions and the rescue / transfer of a kidney patient from Symi Greek Island to Rhodes Greek Island on December 27, 2002.

On May 1, 2005, the President of the Republic visited the ship as part of her mission to Megisti (Kastellorizo) Island during the Easter celebrations.

The important dates of HS ORMI are the following:

Joining the USN : December 5, 1969

Deactivation: April 1977

Concession to Hellenic Navy: October 1989

Raising of the Greek Flag: February 21, 1990

Joining the Fast Boat Command: February 21, 1990

Joining the Surveillance Vessels Command: November 1, 2003


Our Fleet