The Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff (H.N.G.S.) has the complete Administration/Command and Control of the personnel, and its means.
He is the Minister’s of National Defence advisor and responsible of matters such as the organisation, manning, equipment, education, evaluation, preparation for war, preparation and utilisation of the staff, material/supplies of the Hellenic Navy and the naval Nation’s supremacy according to the Minister’s and to the co-ordination of the Chief of Hellenic National Defence General Staff’s general directions.
The Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff participates as member in the Defence Council’s meetings and he is also a member – with the right of vote – of the Council of the Chiefs General Staff. He chairs the Supreme Naval Council.
In case of his absence or impediment, he is substituted – wherever the Law allows – for a period of time of up to twenty (20) days, by the Deputy Chief of Hellenic Navy General Staff. In case his absence or impediment is forecasted to extend beyond the above period, he is substituted by the next Officer below him in the hierarchy, who is set by the Government Defence Council’s decision.
While exercising his duties, in time of peace and war, the Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff is supported, by the Hellenic Navy General Staff.