Vice Admiral | Dimitrios – Eleftherios Kataras HN | Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff |
Vice Admiral | Christos Sasiakos HN | Commander in Chief of Hellenic Fleet |
Vice Admiral | Theodoros Mikropoulos HN | Deputy Chief of HNDGS |
Vice Admiral | Panagiotis Dimitroglou ΗΝ | Commander of the Hellenic Navy Logistics |
Rear Admiral | Spyridon Lagaras HN | Deputy Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff |
Rear Admiral | Leonidas Anagnostopoulos HN | Deputy Commander in Chief of Hellenic Fleet |
Rear Admiral | Vasilios Gryparis ΗΝ | Commander EUNAVFOR ASPIDES |
Rear Admiral | Panagiotis Papageorgiou HN | HNDGS |
Rear Admiral | Spyridon Alevras HN | HNDGS |
Rear Admiral | Stavros Karlatiras HN | Commander of the Naval Training Command |
Rear Admiral | Vasilios Vasilogiannakopoulos HN | Deputy Commander of the National Defense College |
Rear Admiral | Panagiotis Karavas HN | Director of Hellenic Navy Armaments Directorate |
Rear Admiral | Konstantinos Kontogiannakos HN | Chief of Staff of the Hellenic Navy General Staff |
Rear Admiral | Spyridon Tsiafoutis ΗΝ | Commander of the Naval Training Command |
Rear Admiral | Pierros Kontodios ΗΝ | Hellenic Navy Inspector General |
Rear Admiral | Sotirios Moraitis HN | Commander of Medical Affairs Department |
Rear Admiral | Dimitrios Palaskas HN | Director of Financial Services and Auditing Division / Hellenic Navy Finance Inspection |
Naval Supreme Council depending on its composition it is distinguished in Council of Plenum, Basic Structure and Limited Structure (Core).
The Council of Plenum is constituted from:
a. The Chief of General Staff of Hellenic Navy, as Chairman.
b. All in the country in commission Vice-Admirals and Rear-Admirals that possess organic places of Hellenic Navy and Hellenic National Defence General Staff, as members.
The Council of Basic Structure is constituted from:
a. The Chief of Hellenic Navy General Staff, as Chairman.
b. The Commander of Hellenic Fleet.
c. Three in commission line officers Rear-Admirals that possess organic places of Hellenic Navy and Hellenic National Defence General Staff that are assigned by the Chief of Hellenic Navy General Staff.Provided that a Vice-Admiral Deputy Chief of Hellenic National Defence General Staff is assigned he participates instead of a line officer Rear-Admiral, and
d. A Rear-Admiral Engineering, as members.
The Council of Limited Structure (Core) is constituted from their:
a. The Chief of Hellenic Navy General Staff, as Chairman.
b. The Commander of Hellenic Fleet.
c. Deputy Chief of Hellenic Navy General Staff.
d. Rear-Admiral Engineer or Rear-Admiral Supply or Sanitary Officers, provided that there are positions of their competence, as members.
The Premium Naval Councils of Plenum and Basic Structure are found in quorum, provided that they attend the 2/3 of the members at least, and the limited structure one, provided that attends the Chairman and two or three (depending on the case) of his members.
Common Responsibilities of Premium Councils
The Premium Councils of Sectors of Armed Forces are in charge of any subject that is forecasted by the current legislation. More specifically they take decisions or opine according to the current in effect provisions for the below:
a. Organisation and structure of their Sector, according to the distribution of personnel and material, and with base the beginnings of the current law in effect.
b. Doctrine of Enterprises of Forces of their Sector and benefit of general directions for war plans, battle field plans, education, mobilisation, support and safety.
c. Discipline and Internal Administration.
d. Programs of armament, manning of manufactures and facilities of support with base the operational necessity and their expediency.
e. Side up with Budget plans and Program of Public Investments of the relevant Sector, before their configuration by the staff of Ministry of National Defence and their approval by the Minister, after examination in the Council of Defence.
f. Distribution of credits that were allocated finally in the relevant Sector.
g. Placements, promotions, discharges and complaints of officers for valuation, as the special law states.
h. Retraction of reserved in commission officers and their retirement.
i. Proposals of conference of moral rewards.
j. Law plans, lawful decrees and regulations that concern the relevant sector.