Rear Admiral (Eng) Vasileios Vasilogiannakopoulos HN has been appointed as Deputy Commander of the Hellenic National Defence College on 10th February 2025. He was born on 10 January 1968. He joined the Hellenic Naval Academy on 9 September of 1985 and graduated in 1989 named as Ensign (Eng) of the Hellenic Navy.
He has served on several ships of the HN : DD Longhi, DD Leon as Engineer Officer, Gun Boat NAVMACHOS, Training Ship ARIS, FFG IPIROS, as Second Engineer Officer, Gun Boat ARMATOLOS, Fast Patrol Boat LASKOS and Minehunter KALISTO as First Engineer Officer.
He has served as Chief Engineer of Minehunters Squadron, Head of the Department for Fast Speed Engines of Naval Base in Salamis, Head of Training Department (HNGS, Β2-ΙΙΙ), Director of Study Directorate (HNGS, C1), Director of Directorate of Engineering Systems (HNGS, D1) and Director of Surface Combatants Programs of Armaments Directorate (HNGS).
He has also served as head of unit and Director of Training and Education of Hellenic Naval Academy.
On the 15 March 2022 he was promoted to Commodore and assumed the duties of Commanding Officer of Salamis Naval Base and on the 9 March 2023 the duties of Director of Infrastructure Directorate of Hellenic National Defense General Staff (HNDGS).
On the 3 March 2024 he was promoted to Rear Admiral (EN) and has been appointed as General Director of Hellenic Navy Armaments Directorate.
Rear Admiral (Eng) Vasileios Vasilogiannakopoulos HN holds the following degrees: Naval Engineering degree, MSc in Mechanical Engineering (NPS Monterey USA, 1996), Naval Staff Officer School (year of graduation 2001), Supreme Joint War College (year of graduation 2008) and Hellenic National Defense College (year of graduation 2015)
He speaks English and German. He is married and has one son and one daughter.
He has been awarded with all the medal, decorations and commendations stipulated for an officer of his rank and seniority.