Διαδικτυακές Εφαρμογές

Διαδικτυακές Εφαρμογές





Plenary Session of the Supreme Naval Council on board Floating Naval Museum Battleship “GEORGIOS AVEROF”

On Wednesday, March 06, 2024, the plenary session of the Supreme Naval Council (SNC), in its new composition was held on board Floating Naval Museum Battleship “GEORGIOS AVEROF”.

The Supreme Naval Council members are:

Vice Admiral Dimitrios – Eleftherios Kataras HN Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff
Vice Admiral Polychronis Koulouris HN Commander in Chief of Hellenic Fleet
Vice Admiral Christos Sasiakos HN Deputy Chief of HNDGS
Vice Admiral Panagiotis Dimitroglou ΗΝ Commander of the Hellenic Navy Logistics
Rear Admiral Konstantinos Vlachos HN HNDGS
Rear Admiral Georgios Floros HN Deputy Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff
Rear Admiral Theodoros Mikropoulos HN HNDGS
Rear Admiral Spyridon Lagaras HN Deputy Commander in Chief of Hellenic Fleet
Rear Admiral Leonidas Anagnostopoulos HN Deputy Chief of Staff of the Hellenic Navy
Rear Admiral Fotios Mpotsas ΗΝ Commander of Hellenic Naval Academy
Rear Admiral Theoharis Chatzopoulos ΗΝ Deputy Commander of the National Defense College
Rear Admiral Vasilios Gryparis ΗΝ Commander EUNAVFOR ASPIDES
Rear Admiral Georgios Aggouras ΗΝ Commander of the Naval Training Command
Rear Admiral Sotirios Tsamilis ΗΝ Hellenic Navy Inspector General
Rear Admiral Vasilios Vasilogiannakopoulos HN Director of Hellenic Navy Armaments Directorate
Rear Admiral Antonios Papageorgiou ΗΝ Commander of Medical Affairs Department
Rear Admiral Georgios Skrekas HN Director of Financial Services and Auditing Division / Hellenic Navy Finance Inspection


Captain Evangelos Simagias HN

Hellenic Navy Spokesman

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