
Official Visit of President of the State of Israel Reuven Rivlin at the Hellenic Fleet Headquarters in Salamis Naval Base

On Wednesday January 31th 2018, the President of the State of Israel Reuven Rivlin visited the Hellenic Fleet Headquarters in Salamis Naval Base, where...

Passing Exercise of Hellenic Navy and Egyptian Navy Units

On Tuesday 23 January 2018, fast attack craft  MYKONIOS of the Hellenic Navy participated in an exercise with the Training Ship "SHALATEIN" of the...

Passing Exercise of Hellenic Navy and German Navy Units

          On Tuesday 23 January 2018, frigate HS SPETSAI of the Hellenic Navy and her organic helicopter (S70, Aegean Hawk)...

Visit of the Commander Northern Fleet of Egypt at the HNGS Chief and the Hellenic Fleet Headquarters

             On Tuesday, January 23th 2018, the HNGS Chief Vice Admiral Nikolaos Tsounis HN, met the Rear Admiral Walid...

Official Visit of the HNGS Chief to Portugal

From Monday 11th to Thursday 14th December 2017, the HNGS Chief, Vice Admiral Nikolaos Tsounis HN paid an official visit to Portugal, following a...
